You've well captured the essence of life here, the dichotomy of the good and bad. For, without the other, how can we feel either? (also, your sketches are amazing. you've really brought these simple objects to life by your own style. simply amazing to witness!)

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Thank you, this is such a kind comment; and I’m so glad you really understood what I was trying to say! And thank you for the compliment on my sketches ❤️

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"Still life. How to define still? Quiet, idyllic, peaceful? A still as in a snapshot? Or still as in continuous, enduring, persisting— like the memory of a good thing? Or the way matter can neither be created nor destroyed? Still, there is life, still it remains. I like that." Beautiful, Jenn!! Any way you define it, it is beautiful and worthy of honoring. XO

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Thank you so much, Danielle, you are so kind and I’m so glad this spoke to you. I appreciate you taking the time to read and to leave me a few words ❤️

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Love the energy in these, the careful attention. 🥰

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Thank you very much, I really appreciate this, it feels so sincere and kind. ❤️

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Jenn, you capture beauty in something that has been used up and lost its vitality. A reminder of our mortality, and urging us to live a life of value and purpose because death is unavoidable. ✨🦋✨

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Thank you Charlotte, that’s exactly it. It’s so beautiful and it goes by so fast. I appreciate your kind comments, always, thank you for taking your time to read my thoughts and see my art ❤️

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Jenn, so well written. I love the depth of your words in relation to your daily surroundings, which you sketch so well and with pen!! It's been so nice to get away and I'm still away - but I needed a Jenn read! This did not disappoint! Hope you're having a good weekend. ox

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Thanks for sneaking me into your getaway time ☺️. I hope you’re having so much fun and feeling relaxed and refreshed! I am so grateful to you for reading, for the kind words, for sharing my art. Thank you. Enjoy the rest of your trip!

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Always love tuning in for your posts Jenn...and this one was special. Check out "Memento Mori," a short story by Jonathan Nolan. I think you may enjoy.

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Thank you, Peter, I’ll check that out. And thank you for the kind words, I appreciate it!

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Oh Jenn, your words are a painting and your drawings are stories. Bless you. 🙏❤️

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Thank you, Jaimie! That is high praise, I am grateful ❤️

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A more solemn post this week Jenn! Did a bit of sketching this week. :-)

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It was a little heavy. I’m glad to hear you spent some time sketching! It is good for the soul ❤️

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Thanks Jenn. Actually travelling at the moment. That's why had time to sketch. Anyway have landed in my destination city. New experiences- just have to take it with presence and heart. XOXO

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Love these drawings and the text, you never cease to amaze me, Jenn.

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Thank you, sweet Joyce, I feel that kind compliment deeply. I appreciate it ❤️

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Love and blessings, Jenn 💙🙏💫🤗🥰

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Right back at you; love and blessings ❤️

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You got so much detail with a Sharpie pen. I love the use of shadowing. That one of your offspring wants to draw like DaVinci is inspiring.

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Thank you, Perry! I use the fine tip ones, they’re great because they make beautiful lines and don’t bleed through. This particular kid is enamored with the Dutch realism, DaVinci, and Michelangelo!

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May 18Liked by Jenn

I agree. Only youth has the gumption and nerve to observe that I don’t draw as well as Leonardo. If you are aiming might as well go high! Great eye on the artwork.

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That’s right; I love that about children—there is no limit to their dreams and belief in their talents ❤️ thanks for the kind comment, have a great weekend!

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Yes, there is no second chance when sketching with a pen. Except for more paper and a trash can you can play basketball with! My dad always swore by doing crosswords with a pen. I liked only oil paints because I could mess with it til I got it right. Acrylics are different. I hated them at first but now, I kind of like them because I can dry it and sand it down if I don't like it and gesso it again. Learning is good. Teaching is better cause you do both at the same time. I like that you make it a point to do art every day!

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Yes, you’ve got to live with it and not be too concerned with perfection…. And really pay attention to what you see! I like oils for that reason, too. If I use acrylic I like to go fast and small so I can paint wet on wet!

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I'm a novice in acrylics, and I learn by mistakes I make. I haven't been too happy with what I make but I like the process for sure!

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There is something that I like in trying something new, though. At least for me, I set the bar so low that having almost no expectations frees me up a bit. But that may be my own weird way of coming at things 😂. I hope you get figured out with the acrylics soon ❤️

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I'm the same. New things and not expecting much. My son is a stiff critic though. Sometimes it is discouraging but I know he's just trying to push me into trying harder. Then when I get it right and he approves, it's a better feeling than having just stayed in my comfort zone.

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Everybody needs at least one stiff critic, I think. It’s wonderful to feel that he’s honest and you can trust his opinion! But definitely the stiff critics can be frustrating, too.

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Love this: "The above drawing is a bid to find beauty in a thing that’s had its life force consumed; a search for meaning in the things that still remain. It’s making a record of darkness defining light. It’s a memento mori; a reminder that death is inevitable (so be worthy of this fleeting life)."

I haven't drawn in a long while, but I keep thinking I need to return. For me it was a calm, peaceful, meditative practice that helped me to really see things in a new way. Thanks for the nudge and inspiration.

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This makes me so happy, that it’s been a nudge to get you back into drawing and the special gift of seeing that accompanies it ❤️. And thank you so much for the kind words!

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Ah. At least having time to sketch is a silver lining. Safe travels and I hope your trip goes well!

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