Oh Jenn, I love your paintings! and this whole story. I know you've been going through a lot lately and I'm praying for peace. It sure can come through the creating or, as you say (and I agree) in creating to somewhat feel a sense of control in the uncontrollable. Also, those fever dreams! Oh I've had them and wrote quite a dramatic piece off of one. It's crazy how that happens. And that little monkey hornworm! ugh! So glad your pepper plant came back. Love how you tied all of the life experiences around you and inside of you with nature and your bread starter! Glad that worked out too. Sending you a big hug. ox

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I remember your fever dream piece, it was amazingly told, you made me really feel the dream, too. Thank you so much for the prayers, they are always appreciated ☺️ and thank you for the kind compliments! Everything worked out in the end; it always does, doesn’t it, when you look back. Thank you for the hugs, I’m sending some right back your way! I hope your Monday is a beautiful one ❤️

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I love your sketches. Thanks for these warm little entries.

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Thank you, so much, that is a really kind compliment, it has warmed my heart this morning. And thank you for sharing my post!

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There is prognostication in your efforts to set more starter dough aside. The hornworm stimulated the pepper to regrow. Like browsing deer stimulate new growth. Both have the same effect. Continuous growth. Your painting and drawings are true expressions of your experiences. As for colorful dreams they will return if you tell yourself you want to remember.

Life has worked miracles and your family is stronger. Keep writing, exploring the charms that are forever seeking to be expressed . Raise the sourdough bread to a texture to fill with mook and crannies

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I believe the hornworm become the Sphinx moth another creature of delight.

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I had to look it up again, and you are correct! Also, I did not realize that they drop into the ground for their transformation and only live for two weeks once they are a moth. I’m glad I could provide the little guy with a hearty and delicious meal!

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Continuous growth, thank you. That is an encouraging thought for this morning, we must strip some things away to stimulate growth. Or be open to life stripping them away for us. Thank you so much for that and also for the advice about the dreams and the kind words about my art. Life truly is miraculous, what a gift it is to experience it in all its many facets. I hope your day is filled with little pockets of goodness like the perfect sourdough bread ❤️

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The day, week will unfold as I take the first step to sip coffee and plan my next hour. Writing a few notes helps.

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A pleasure to visit your world, as always. And I love your late summer backyard sketch. It’s good to know you’ve all recovered from illness.

But my favorite takeaway from your description is this: “On the upside, I had the most fabulous fever dreams. I dreamed of colors, colors I’d never seen, colors I can’t remember; and I thought I’d learned the secrets of the universe, which to my dismay, I can also no longer remember.”

Of course, it goes without saying that your ongoing search for the good, the beautiful, and the true continues to drive my interest in your work. Adelante!! Siempre adelante! (Forward! Always forward!)

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Thank you! I so enjoyed soaking in what summer I could while trying to sketch. That dream was truly wild and I wish I could remember more than my impressions of it!

So forward we march and I can’t thank you enough for your kindness and interest in my work and coming along on the journey, too. I hope you have a great week ahead of you!

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The best laid plans… glad that you are all healthy again. Your artwork is beautiful.

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So true! It’s important to stay flexible because life cares not for your plans. I truly appreciate your kind compliments and thank you for taking the time to read and leave me a few kind words ❤️

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Thank you! I so enjoyed soaking in what summer I could while trying to sketch. That dream was truly wild and I wish I could remember more than my impressions of it!

So forward we march and I can’t thank you enough for your kindness and interest in my work and coming along on the journey, too. I hope you have a great week ahead of you!

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Oh wow Jenn! You always amaze me with your sketching and painting and it’s so wonderful to see you sharing here again! Thank you so much. Definitely always have that dry starter on hand too lol. School sounds great. When do I sign up? 🙏❤️

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I was so excited when I found you in my feed today! I’ve been for a post since school days began and you got busy with your children! I’m so sorry about your pepper plant 🙈 I hate that when it happens, but your soul is like mine, and I end up feeling sorry for all the critters and just let them eat away. I joke with my husband we grow our garden as a salad bar for the rabbits! 🐇 🤣

Bless your heart, I’m happy everyone has recovered from yearly flus. And your poor sourdough? 😔 Well, sometimes you just have to start again from scratch.

I always love how you weave your stories in with your art. Of course I’m in love with your art and writing! Thank you for posting this, it made my heart do a happy dance! 💗💓💗

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How wonderful that you are able to teach your children and create art and generally balance your life! Love your bottle still lifes.

I wish I could get back to painting.

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Especially love this post of yours!! with so many paintings! Love the warm story-sharing. XOXO

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Wow, Jenn. Your artwork is incredible (and so is your writing). Great post, thanks for sharing it with us! Happy early/late birthday too haha.

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Your prose is so.....poetic! Such a great parable in the parallel of your family illness and recovery to strength, with the resilience of your wee pepper plant in the face of a different onslaught. That must have been some practical challenge, having all the family laid up at once, as well. Yes, the passing of Summer always draws a sigh, and the rituals of unassembling and storing the garden furniture and sheltering the perennial plants is almost here also. But Autumn has its appeals and art and photography opportunities if it stays dry and clear. I agree about the drive to create and develop with what time we have left. It almost feels like a sin to neglect the urge when it comes. Thank you for all the art and writing here.

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I have had that dream too; the one where I know all the secrets of the universe. Of course the secrets are all forgotten when I wake up. Glad everyone is healthy again!

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