P.S. Glad the kids were well enough to do an art lesson (love Matisse! My daughter's favorite) and plant an herb garden! and I love the candle holder your dad made you! There's a story there 🩵 ox

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I love Matisse, too! The kids enjoyed his work, we had Finn looking into him and his compatriots . Art day is our very favorite. They were gifted an herb garden for Easter! And my dad has made me many special things that adorn my home, I may have to write a post about it sometime ☺️. Thank you so much, Deb! Happy weekend and Happy Easter !

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Oh goodness Jenn! I relate to this story very much as you know! It was the worst respiratory bronchial sickness ever 😩 It's still lingering as allergy season comes in! Ridiculous 🤦‍♀️ Number one I'm glad the kids are finally feeling better and I do pray you won't get it as bad! My John was bad for 3 days to my 2 weeks! Really praying for your Easter! Love how you tied in Ben Hur, the Lamb over the lion and your sketches and descriptions of fighting through and kicking March out the door!

Get well soon and Happy Easter!

He is risen ✨


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Oh I am sorry you’re still dealing with it and then to add allergies to the mix is just awful! I think I’m getting it very mildly, I am so lucky, I would trade with my kids in a heartbeat, though. I am a bit of an over worrier, especially for the little one! Thank you for the kind words and for helping me send March packing! Have the Happiest Easter ❤️✨

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Oh it's not too bad, but so crazy how you roll from one thing into allergies! Not too bad for now! I am back on a light amount of Flonase! Plus we live with pets who tend to pick up all things outside, especially the low-rider grand-dog we adopted, Jack the corgi :) lol. Monkey. Thank you so much for always blessing me with your stories, sketches and kind comments. ox

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Yes, that’s true, life keeps throwing things at you, ready or not. I like how you describe Jack as a low rider, haha, that’s adorable. And thank you for being a blessing with your compassion and warmth! ❤️

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Bless you and your family some healthy days ahead! Ben Hur was an Easter staple along with the 10 Commandments growing up. I love the sketches. Those bare feet are calling the sun. That wooden candleholder looks amazing. I’m sure it has some stories to tell. Happy Easter. 🙏❤️

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Thank you, Jamie! The blessings are much appreciated, as are the kind comments. We watched the Ten Commandments, too! I will have to maybe write a post sometime about all the things that live in my house that my dad made for me. Thank you so much, and I hope you have the most beautiful Easter.

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Love your sketches Jenn. I have no artistic talent so I admire those who do.

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Thank you so much! I really appreciate the kind words and thanks for taking a look at my sketches!

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Awesome! Are these done in pen? Looks like pen strokes. I love graphite, pencils in all their different forms. Grey is best though.

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Yes, they are in pen! I like pen for sketching because I can’t erase it so it forces me to be less precious about it and to look harder, haha. Also it doesn’t smudge. Graphite is lovely for drawing with, though. I love graphite and charcoal too. Thank you so much for checking out my drawings!

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Yeeessss… pen forces one to be precise. Ups the difficulty factor a good deal. Your sketching is lovely though. One of the best things about pencils imo is the smudging. Forces you to be careful where you touch. Handle the work reverently as it deserves. A different kind of difficulty factor to consider.

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Smudging is gorgeous, and lends delicacy, and I love the thrilling way you describe it, handling your work reverently as it deserves. I must chew on that, I am not sure if I feel my pen drawings deserve reverence. Thank you! If you ever post pencil drawings I would love to see them!

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🤣🤣Oh no! Sorry, I don't think there's much chance of that... I'd much rather paint word pictures... But if you want a taste, I wrote a little sketch once upon a time. https://open.substack.com/pub/jennyhoman01/p/kindling-the-sketch?r=25941x&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Thank you for adding the link to your sketching sketch! It was as wonderful read and you do paint fabulous word pictures!

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Thank you for reading it. I’m glad you enjoyed.

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Thanks for sharing Jenn, I enjoyed the sketches and happy Easter :)

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Thank so much, Peter, really I appreciate it! I hope you have a happy Easter!

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I saw this heading and it struck me that we in the north of the UK are now saying "goodbye Summer", which is a bit sore this year in particular. We had a very cool and wet one this year - in a part of the world not noted for good summer weather as a rule - and it's time to start getting log baskets back in and the woodburner loaded up! The and butterflies were very late getting active, but did make their appearance when the time was right. Only they know why, as there wasn't a particular change to settled weather that a human can discern. I like that for some reason. It has a certain constancy to it in these "interesting" times for homo sapiens. Those pen drawings look so stark and defined. Beautifully stark, in a way. Maybe spare and lean is a good way of phrasing it.

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I have a very hard time saying goodbye to summer, even though it gets blazing, miserably hot here. I think it is the loss of light as the days shorten; it feels like a loss of something sacred and profound. But looking back, March wasn’t so long ago. How time flies.

I am so sorry that your summer was a bit cool and wet, and now you’re rolling into fall. That almost feels like you got cheated of your prize for enduring the winter months! I like your thoughts about the butterfly…only they know why. How true that is and how little we really understand of this crazy, magnificent world we inhabit.

Thank you very much for the kind comments and compliments! I am grateful to you for reading and checking out my sketches.

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I’m sorry to hear about illness hitting your family. I hope you are spared! 🤒

Imagine if you had waited until the next day to draw the trees? The birds may have actually not been there the day before. What a difference a day makes, right? I noticed on our trees in our front yard the buds seem to come overnight. Perhaps that’s what happened to your tree. Have a beautiful weekend! 🤗💫💞💫

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Timing is everything, isn’t it? And how quickly things change. I think ours came overnight, too. Thank you so very much for your kind words and for sharing my post! I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

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I was sick with covid in March.. glad to see it go! Still not up with energy/enthusiasm yet… but Spring and April will help! Love your sketches…even the tissue box says so much! 😄 wishing you wellness and good health!

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Oh, Joan, I’m so sorry you were sick this month, too! I’m glad you’re doing better and I hope you feel fully well soon and get your energy back. Thank you so much for the kind words about my sketches, I truly appreciate you taking the time to read and leave me a comment! Cheers to April and feeling better! Take care!

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Jenn, you draw so well! Free, easy, informative, natural looking (of things that are very difficult to make them look/feel right. Well done! Oh, and I think I said this before but you have a talent that brings out the form of things, even if the form is suggested by empty paper like your feet.

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Thank you, I will take this encouragement to heart and I appreciate it beyond words. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

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Mar 29Liked by Jenn

Happy Easter Jenn! Sickness and health are all part of life. May we be brave troupers through it all. XO

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Thank you! Happy Easter! It is the bad times which make the good times shine so brightly ☺️. Thank you so very much for the kind words and encouragement! Have a beautiful day!

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deletedMar 29Liked by Jenn
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Oh, thank you for the encouragement! I’m sorry you were so sick in October! We held off until the last minute, haha. Thank you for the tips, hopefully we will be good as new soon ☺️

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