Wow this post is filled to the brim! I can feel the effort you've put into it, from the story, to the accompanying sketches, and that final cute conversation you've recounted so well!

Also, it's so nice that you are teaching your kids about Norman Rockwell! He was such a prolific artist and the commentary he baked into his beautiful paintings can teach so much, not just about art, but also the period he lived in!

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Thank you so much for the kind comment and for viewing my art and writing, I really appreciate it! My kids loved learning about Rockwell, we have a book of his art, so they were curious and wanted to know more. They are amazed at his talent. (Me too!). I agree, his paintings are like a time capsule, it’s so interesting to look at them and be transported to his time and place. Thank you again and I hope you have a beautiful day!

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You as well (although its a bit late)!

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Jenn, what a blessing to catchup with your story this Saturday afternoon! We were a bit skunked out and I gave in and did a lot of washing and garden therapy (both unable to escape the smell. when I finally left the house I asked everywhere I went, "do I smell like a skunk?" lol) - but back to your post. I love everything about it and can feel it all. You have a sweet husband and I relate to stopping movies to talk about light or the actor I hadn't seen in a long time or something spoken that hit my heart. My John completely gets me too. He even joins in for many years now - annoyingly (ha ha) stopping the movie. Your paintings and sketches are so good. I love, love the shadow painting and your recent moon painting and what lovely name for it. I found a picture of my old office to send you in a direct message here - so you can see why I love your purple couch and the idea of buying that painting! A piece of both of us. Oh and I adore the work of Georgia O'Keeffe! She was married to Alfred Stieglitz, who I studied in school. Amazing. Hope the kids enjoyed! Happy, happy Mother's Day to you! I hope you have a breakfast in bed to sketch! Sending much love. oxoxox

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I hope you’ve finally been able to escape the skunk! That’s so crazy. I am glad you can relate to having someone who will put up with and even finds joy in an annoying little habit 😂. John sounds like a perfect fit! Thank you for the kind compliments on my artwork! The kids enjoyed the lesson, they love looking at all the art and learning about who created it. Jasper Johns was the favorite, though. Georgia O’Keefe was a talented lady and that is really neat that you studied Alfred, i feel like he gets shoved under the rug a bit because his wife is so famous! I will look forward to your message about your office and my purple couch! I think I have a few smaller, quick paintings/studies of it, too, somewhere. I’ll have to dig them out to show you! I hope you have the best Mother’s Day, and thank you for the happy wishes ❤️

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It's getting better! But Bea is still deep in the smell! Many baths but...

Yes, John and I have some good things in common, or like I mentioned before, we have traded or picked up some of each other's funny quirks! I am not familiar with Jasper Johns so will take a look! I believe you're right about Stieglitz! I am up way too late but will send the picture over before I shut down :) It's a random picture with my older iPhone that I was lucky to find! I miss that blessing of an office. Now, the spare room is John's music room with my pictures on the walls of musicians! That's pretty cool and he deserves it. He has my old purple sleeper couch in it from a loft at our old house which was my first work space - but I didn't really want clients walking through the house so we turned the intentional office space by the front door into my office for 18 years :). It was rarely used as a guest-room since my parents always had their RV when they stayed. It had a leather love seat in it shaped a bit like your purple couch with purple walls :)

Have a beautiful day with your sweet family! ox

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Thank you for the picture, what a beautiful space. I imagine you do miss it! The music room sounds very cool, though. My husband had a workspace out of the house a few years ago that was decorated with about 30 pieces of my art that he picked ☺️. I love that John has done the same with your art. I will enjoy, and I hope you do, too!

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Your husband is your Endymion! Wonderful story Jenn, and so beautiful! Your kids have to be amazing. Thank you for sharing moments from your life. ✨💜✨

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Thank you, Charlotte, I think he is ☺️. I am very biased, but I think my kids are pretty great humans, I love spending time with them and learning together. Thank you so much for catching up with me here and leaving me a wonderful compliment! Happy Friday ❤️

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Loved reading this article and seeing the artwork. When you are a passanger, you do notice more what is happening around you. But when you are in the driver's seat, you need to focus on the road. Same car; different experience.

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It’s so true, and I like how you put it—same car different experience. I am grateful that I get to be a passenger sometimes. Thank you, Perry, for understanding and for the kind words!

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Seeking Endymion is incredible, I love it.

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Thank you, I appreciate it so much!

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What a beautiful sweet and endearing story.. You remind me of me.. Lol. My early days of being a mom anf young wife, my husband was a post doc... We only had one car.. A small apartment and everyday was an adventure strolling around with our children to the parks, the coffee shop, the library, a play date... I started my art back then, living on the California cost. You've inspired ne to tell a tale... Lol coming soon I hope.

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I saw the title of this essay in my email inbox and wanted to read it but .... life ! Did not forget though because I was intrigued by the title and I'm so glad you wrote this and I love the moon painting. You have a knack for composition and colour. No doubt, your children will inherit your talent...and maybe your husband's driving skills ;) Much love on this warm, sunny day! Have a super weekend!

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May 12Liked by Jenn

So pleasant to hear your family stories.

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Thank you, Hugh, I appreciate you!

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Ah Jenn! I love this story and all your drawings. This piece reminded me of a short story I read recently—“Drive My Car,” by Haruki Murakami. It’s about a man who doesn’t like women drivers but winds up hiring one as his chauffeur. There’s also a movie based on the story, which you might have heard of. Your thoughts about being driven by your husband are much more romantic though.

I’m an observer too, which is why I enjoy taking a train. You miss so many interesting things when you’re driving. Really enjoyed this one. Thanks!

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Thank you so very much! I will add “Drive My Car” to my reading list, I’ve never heard of it or the movie, it sounds interesting, thank you for the recommendation. I do like to take the train, it’s so relaxing and interesting. Driving is so exhausting because it takes all my energy to not notice every little interesting thing and focus on driving. There is really so much to see, even in my neighborhood that I see every day! Thanks for understanding and thank you for reading and the kind compliments on my art, I appreciate it!

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The painting turned out great!

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Thank you for saying so, that’s music to my ears! And thank you for sharing, too, I so appreciate it!

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May 11Liked by Jenn

Who's gonna tell you when

It's too late?

Who's gonna tell you things

Aren't so great?

You can't go on thinking

Nothing's wrong, oh oh

Who's gonna drive you home


Who's gonna pick you up

When you fall?

Who's gonna hang it up

When you call?

Who's gonna pay attention

To your dreams?

Yeah, who's gonna plug their ears

When you scream?

You can't go on thinking

Nothing's wrong, oh oh

Who's gonna drive you home


Who's gonna hold you down

When you shake?

Who's gonna come around

When you break?

You can't go on thinking

Nothing's wrong, oh oh

Who's gonna drive you home


You know you can't go on thinking

Nothing's wrong

Who's gonna drive you home


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Thank you so much for posting the lyrics ❤️. It is such an ear worm, but a welcome one.

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May 12Liked by Jenn

Ok. Who sings this?

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May 12Liked by Jenn

The Cars, Rick O’casek lead singer.

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Thank you ☺️

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Ooh the paintings are beyond good!! The title reminds me of the Cars song 🎵. We are always driving as one with our loved ones. Bless you.

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Thank you so much Jamie! Life is always good when you’ve got loved ones to journey with. Thank you and have a great weekend!

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You had me at "He drives, I ride." And, of course, educating your kids in art. Beautifully, told.

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Thank you, Michael, I appreciate that. The kids are soaking it all up and want more, I am very excited to see where this goes!

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You wrote: "I think I will name it Seeking Endymion". I name it beautiful. You have a talent.

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Thank you so much, Joel, I really appreciate the very kind compliment! Thank you for checking out my painting and sketches!

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May 10Liked by Jenn

A beautiful sharing. Thank you for the post. XO

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Thank you very much for stopping to read it, and I always appreciate the kind words you leave me. Have a very beautiful weekend!

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Oh, that does sound just wonderful. I miss it. I can walk around my neighborhood here, but not really anywhere else. I’ll look forward to reading your story!

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